I researched other adverts in order to learn more about other methods of advertising. In particular, looking for ideas for my slogans and branding, as well as pinning down similar advertising techniques. Many of these other forms are single still images, so looking at these will help educate me on how successfully appeal to the audience.The best examples of print ads I could find are below:
I personally found this advert of the treats controlling the dog to be on its best behaviour to be particularly memorable. As a member of the target market of 16-25 year olds, the idea of joining pets with a concept such as gaming (two positives) makes it something that really evokes my interest. It also has the bonus of evoking a chuckle and is adorable in general thus making it one of the best print ads to this day
A voluntary group (called "mom's demand action") was trying to raise awareness towards the idea of gun reforms, especially with 2017 and 2018 having a high number of school shootings. The focus is to show one banned item thats relatively harmless in comparison to the firearm. The advert features children carrying weapons, alongside classmates holding either a Kinder Surprise egg, the book ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and a ball from the schoolyard game Dodge-ball. The strong contrast is meant to evoke a response which it does successfully
French Ministry of Health
This ad campaign for the French Ministry of Health highlights the growing the growing issue of obesity in children. An original concept, the illustration, art directed and copy written by David Lesage, features an image of an ice cream, topped with a big belly. The copy reads “L’obesite commence des le plus jeune age,” meaning “obesity starts at a young age.” This advert uses weird imagery to attract the intended audiences eye, then enlighten them with the aforementioned caption, thus fulfilling its purpose.
This Advert is simple in nature and is a nifty way of showing their slogan. The simplicity of it paired with their new "it's sugar free" Slogan definitely makes it a memorable poster.
In conclusion, conducting this research showed me that colour is extremely helpful in branding and connoting brand values, something I will keep in mind when designing my logo. Having a quirky trope also helps make the advert stand out and become more memorable so I should aim to include one in my adverts.
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