Friday, December 14, 2018

Post 18: My Target Audience Feedback

I had 2x16, 1x20 and 3x24year olds watch my Adverts either in school or at home and recorded all of their responses onto notes so that I could refer to it later

What I gathered from this:
  • The music from both adverts was really cool and two of the individuals asked for the songs name (the 16 year old male and 20 year old female)
  • All noted that the final title card with the information looked a little odd and simple for a Tv ad which is a fair judgement
  • The 16 year olds both noted how the music was diegetic with the action in both ads (to quote "the beat drops as he breaks his ankles")
  • one of the 24 year olds mentioned that the scenario for advert two was odd and that in a real life situation that action would have resulted in an argument
This feedback is useful in helping my future understanding and planning for an advert, one thing being to focus a bit more on making the actions more realistic 

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